My name is Michele Darien. I've been writing poetry since I was a child. I produced my first video over ten years ago. I hope to glorify the Lord Jesus Christ in every area of my life. I will post anecdotes, testimonies and samples of my work from time to time. God has sustained me and strengthened me in many ways and I hope that you will be encouraged by this blog. Have a blessed day.
Michele, hello. I read your Yahoo contribution today about your anxiety disorder. I signed up for Google plus, despite my reservations just so I could write a comment to you. I wanted very much to say you that YOU DO glorify the Lord Jesus Christ by your writing. I read that you have taken steroids and dealt with the weight gain...a situation I am so familiar with...and was so impressed that you are SO brave to write and share your stories! I am in AWE of people like you! I write, but share with only my closest friends and they always encourage me to "take writing seriously." But YOU DO IT. I ached when you wrote about your situation. I relate in many ways, my friend. When I was at my lowest point, someone came to see me in the hospital and wrote three scriptures on a business card. I took the card and remember, I knew the first two by heart, but the third I had to look up. It was Romans 8:28. I read to the end of the chapter and it was like something whopped me upside the head! Suddenly, so many things were clear. It was a life-changing moment, that I have difficulty putting into words all these years later. It was a key to the prison I had made for myself. Now, I struggle/but am blessed with various forms of autoimmune disease. God is so good, Michele. I take heart when I read about someone like you. In an sweet sort of way, I count reading your words as a lovely blessing on a day when I really struggle...Mother's Day. I feel as if God is encouraging me through your words and reminding me of several important truths. Even telling you these few details and remembering Romans 8:28...that was a blessing...and to recall how far God has brought me...another blessing. I will hope to remember how to sign many passwords drive me batty...but I hope to read more of your writing. I hope to "catch" some of your bravery! It is my deepest hope to do as you do...glorify true and honest, and be an encouragement to others. You may not know it, or probably won't believe it...but you made one woman feel not so alone today! May God richly bless you always. I am thankful to have found this and will be praying for you.
ReplyDeleteHi, Lulu. Less than fifteen minutes before I read your comment, I heard a preacher on television quote Romans 8:28. I love it when our Lord confirms His word.
ReplyDeleteThank you for the encouragement. I first talked about the mental health issues at secular poetry readings when I was "in the wilderness". I said and did many things during those years that I shouldn't have. I had serious doubts about my salvation. Although the experience may sound bad on the surface, it's one of the many things that God has worked together for good. I didn't see it at the time, but the Lord Jesus Christ was actually drawing me nearer to Him. I'm grateful that Yahoo! gave me an opportunity to share part of what I've been through with others who are going through the same thing or are at the start of going through the same thing. Above that, though, I'm grateful that the Lord gave me the opportunity.
As you know, it's not always easy to put experiences like these in words or to share them. You can get writer's block; but, you also wonder what others might think or if they'll understand. I'd like to encourage YOU to keep sharing your words with your friends (good support), but also to share them with others.
If you're not comfortable posting your work on the internet right now, start locally. If there are open mic readings at a bookstore or library in your area, ask a friend or two or three to go with you. If there's a writers' group that holds workshops, join in. Constructive criticism is helpful. I can think of one or two sessions in my city where a couple of people said unkind things when I started branching out, but I am glad I went to the workshops anyhow. God allows us to go through tribulations for a reason. And, He gives His children gifts and talents for His glory. Re-read Proverbs 3:5 and 3:6. He knew what He was doing when He gave you the desire and talent for writing. Trust Him to guide you.
I believe I've added you on Google+, but, the whole "Add as..." thing confuses me, at least the "Following" part does. Hope to hear from you soon and also to see you sharing your writing online. I know you said you're struggling today. May you feel the Lord's presence on this day and always. I'll be praying for you, too.