My nephrologist gave me some great news the other day. Namely, my kidney function is back to normal! I don't have to see her again for six months unless my blood pressure gets out of control again or tests that other doctors order show high uric acid (or anything else she needs to know).
Also, my retina/uveitis specialist told me during my last appointment with him that I still have swelling at the back of my left eye, but things look clear otherwise. Thank the Lord! My rheumatologist is still tapering me off the steroids. So, the adalimumab should soon be the only "treatment" for the sarcoid.
I've been taking online Java programming classes this year. I plan to create mobile apps.
I've also been doing some more writing. Here's a poem that was recently published on Yahoo! Voices:
A Resurrection Day Haiku
Risen from the dead,
Jesus offers one and all
everlasting life
Now that I have more time and energy, I'm going to start blogging weekly, God willing. So, look for my next post next week.
Have a wonderful Easter. God bless you.